As we near submission of the application to the Development Management Committee, we have now closed the petition, and will be submitting it to Devon County Hall on Tuesday, 12th November at 2pm. Thank you to the 3,325 supporters that showed their support!

Please support the campaign by signing our petition. You will be joining over 3,300* other concerned individuals, who want to protect our countryside.

Follow this link to Sign Our Petition

If you have a problem with the link, go to and search for "Protect Devon's Landscape".

The petition is maintained by The site will validate your signature via a verification email, but will not use or share your personal data for any other purpose. RATL will be able to see who has signed the petition, but your email address will not be shared with us.

Please note, when you sign the petition you will be asked if you would like to contribute financially; please be aware we do not benefit from such contributions, they go to the hosting petition website. This is obviously at your discretion, but we do not receive anything.

The petition will be presented to Devon County Council's planning department, in support of over 1,200 objections by local residents.

* This petition has been combined with a previous one started for the original application; the number of supporters shown online does not include those signatures.

Protect Devon's LandscapeProtect Devon's Landscape

Sign Our Petition