Stop The Landfill
We are a community of local residents who are passionate about preserving the beauty and integrity of our neighbourhood. We strongly oppose the proposal for a huge new landfill site at Lower Brenton Farm in Kennford, near Exeter.
Scroll down to the section below for our latest news.
Latest News
The applicant's response to the formal request for additional information has finally been received, and has been published on the DCC website. Multiple replacement and updated documents have been submitted, consisting of many hundreds of pages, which we have now begun to scrutinise.
However, it is immediately clear that, yet again, the applicant has failed to address the fundamental issues raised, and has attempted to divert attention by repeating previously discredited assertions or providing information that simply does not answer the questions raised.
We will be highlighting these failings in the coming days, and encourage all of you to lodge new objections to the application based on the inadequate and unacceptable responses.
Meanwhile, some food for thought . . .
The first issue raised in the Regulation 25 Request (and one of the most important) is the effects on landscape character and views both during landfilling operations and once restored. The applicant's response is flippant and derisory, stating their proposed approach "is not really full compensation for the loss of rolling landscape character, but THE SCHEME IS WHAT IT IS. OMELETTES . . . EGGS ETC?" [emphasis added]
** New documents submitted - currently under review
After 6 months delay, the applicant has now submitted their response to the formal request for further clarification about the environmental impact of the proposed development, and to correct the "errors, inaccuracies and omissions" in the original application. This is currently being reviewed by the Planning Authority to ensure that all the requested information has been provided. The new information will then be published on the DCC planning website, and a further 30-day consultation period will begin.
In preparation for this, RATL will be initiating further media and public relations activities, and will produce new leaflets, car stickers and posters in support of our campaign to stop the landfill.
We still need additional funds to make our opposition as effective as possible. If you are able to contribute, any donation, no matter how small, would be very much appreciated, and will directly support the momentum to stop the landfill site.
** Complaint to EA Chief Executive - and the Agency Response
On 4th April, John Nuttall sent a formal complaint to the Environment Agency (EA) on behalf of RATL, highlighting concerns about the permitting process for BT Jenkins to operate the proposed landfill. This was sent to the Chief Executive, Philip Duffy and Sarah Chare, Executive Director of Local Operations.
It was passed down to the area office to address, and their response was received on 10th May. Not surprisingly, it fails to address the key areas of concern, and does not recognise the significance of the error (already admitted to) of not consulting with Devon County Council as the relevant Planning Authority.
We have now escalated this to Stephen Barclay, Secretary of State for the Environment and local MP, Mel Stride (who has previously been made aware of our concerns).
A copy of our complaint can be found here and the Agency response is available here.
** Request for further information remains unanswered
After more than two years, the landfill applicant (BT Jenkins) has been unable to submit a complete and consistent proposal for consideration by the Development Management Committee.
At the end of November 2023, the DCC planning department, having "received the responses of all consultees, together with a considerable volume of comment from members of the public", formally requested further information "necessary to address omissions and inaccuracies within the submitted Environmental Statement together with other documents accompanying the application".
The applicant was requested to provide a timescale for submission of the requested information (running to 30 pages) but has so far been unable to do this. They had indicated that they should be able to provide this timescale by the end of February, but once again, nothing was received.
DCC chased up again at the beginning of April, and were told "they are finalising the revised documents to meet the Regulation 25 response and that they were nearing submission".
Once all the additional information has been received and validated, there will be a further 30-day consultation period, during which we will have the opportunity to submit further objections based on the new documentation.
** Serious questions about EA permit raised by residents
The Environment Agency (EA) has issued a permit to BT Jenkins to operate the proposed landfill site without any input or scrutiny from anyone else. The EA did not even consult Devon County Council, even though they are required to do so as the Waste Planning Authority. When pressed, the EA claimed to be unaware of DCC's role, despite it being in place for over 50 years, and being explicitly referred to them by Teignbridge District Council when they were mistakenly approached by the EA.
RATL are angry about the lack of consultation and communication from the EA, and the fact that the site was not recognised as being of High Public Interest, which would have justified advertising the application more widely and carrying out an extra consultation on the draft decision.
It is wholly unreasonable to expect anyone ("community, media or MPs") to anticipate there might have been consultation and determination of a permit application AFTER the first planning application had been withdrawn following the recommendation for refusal, and BEFORE the revised application was made public.
A press release calling for the EA to review its decision to grant the permit is available to download here. The resultant article published in Devon Live can be found here. For those interested in our detailed research, you can download our full Briefing Notes.
** Applicant claims revised documents "are nearing submission"
Despite all the criticism levelled at the proposed development, and continuing examples of "errors, inaccuracies and omissions" about the environmental impact of the proposal, BT Jenkins appear set to continue their efforts to seek planning permission.
They have recently confirmed that they are "finalising the revised documents to meet the Regulation 25 response" - although it is still unclear when they will actually be submitted.
DCC planners will then verify whether all of their requested information has been provided, and both statutory and public consultees will have a further formal 30-day consultation period to express their ongoing concerns.
Save The Orange Elephant
The proposed landfill site is on farmland owned by the Taverner family, who have farmed Lower Brenton for over 100 years. It is also home to the popular Orange Elephant Ice Cream Parlour, often described as "a hidden gem in the Haldon Valley countryside".
It is very sad - and was a shock to the local community - that the Taverners have decided to lease part of their land to the landfill operators, even though it will have a detrimental impact on the rest of the farm and the ice cream parlour.
The Taverners have tried to distance themselves from the landfill application, referring to "a planning permission by another company, BT Jenkins, on part of our land"; however, they have sold out to a commercial developer, and this proposed development would not otherwise have been possible.
Promoting their dairy, the Taverners proudly state: "we have a responsibility to look after the land, soil, rivers, wildlife . . . and maintain the beautiful Devon landscape that belongs to us all". A landfill is not the way to achieve this!
The proposed landfill site is just 200 metres from the ice cream parlour. Visitors to this landmark attraction will have to navigate their way past the site entrance, where up to 100 waste lorries will come and go each day. The idyllic landscape and tranquil location will be destroyed by the visual impact and noise and air pollution of the landfill operating in adjacent fields.
RATL has been instrumental in rallying the community together to fight against the proposed landfill. Their dedication and hard work have been truly inspiring.
I am grateful for the work that RATL is doing to protect our community. Thanks to their continuing efforts, we hope we will be able to continue to enjoy our beautiful surroundings.
RATL has shown true leadership in their fight against the proposed landfill. Their commitment to preserving our countryside and environment needs our full support.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please reach out to us. We would love to hear from you.